This weekend I will be seen the new movie Salt it should be good a girl that is being framed and has people think shes a spy. well I will have a review of the movie up after I get home from seeing it

This weekend I will be seen the new movie Salt it should be good a girl that is being framed and has people think shes a spy. well I will have a review of the movie up after I get home from seeing it
I found these on the internet these classic shows are being made into movies as you read this post
I Dream Of Jennie
Gilligan's Island
grew up with these classic t.v shows and cant wait to see the movie version, also I hear that these will be made into movie
Monopoly(yes the game bored)
The Smurfs(the teaser trailer is online now)
Well cant wait to see how these turn out
Such a good movie i loved it made me cry at the end you have to see if you have not its on dvd
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