The other day i was watching a moving movie called Precious. This movie is about what one teenage girl had to go through with her mom. All the abuse that this brave young girl had to face and deal with from rape to being hit almost every day by her own mother. This movie shows that many kids around the world have to face kind of the same thing everyday. Some make it through and become brave strong adults, while other are not lucky and end up getting killed or commenting suicide.
For these kids that have to face the kind of things that the young girl faced in the movie, they are the heroes that are fighting a battle that some will win and some will lose. If the person reading this or someone they know is going through what Precious went through in the movie, remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope don't give up. Don't lose the battle win the war, show them that nothing can bring you down. That you are strong and will one day not take this abuse no more. Show them all by making your life better.