it was 10 years ago since scream 3 came out since them horror movies have changed now scream 4 is about to come out I cant want Wonder who is gonna die first?

it was 10 years ago since scream 3 came out since them horror movies have changed now scream 4 is about to come out I cant want Wonder who is gonna die first?
This weekend I will be seen the new movie Salt it should be good a girl that is being framed and has people think shes a spy. well I will have a review of the movie up after I get home from seeing it
I found these on the internet these classic shows are being made into movies as you read this post
I Dream Of Jennie
Gilligan's Island
grew up with these classic t.v shows and cant wait to see the movie version, also I hear that these will be made into movie
Monopoly(yes the game bored)
The Smurfs(the teaser trailer is online now)
Well cant wait to see how these turn out
Such a good movie i loved it made me cry at the end you have to see if you have not its on dvd
The other day i was watching a moving movie called Precious. This movie is about what one teenage girl had to go through with her mom. All the abuse that this brave young girl had to face and deal with from rape to being hit almost every day by her own mother. This movie shows that many kids around the world have to face kind of the same thing everyday. Some make it through and become brave strong adults, while other are not lucky and end up getting killed or commenting suicide.
For these kids that have to face the kind of things that the young girl faced in the movie, they are the heroes that are fighting a battle that some will win and some will lose. If the person reading this or someone they know is going through what Precious went through in the movie, remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope don't give up. Don't lose the battle win the war, show them that nothing can bring you down. That you are strong and will one day not take this abuse no more. Show them all by making your life better.
Who said that families have to be normal. There are many people who think that their family is normal when in fact they are not. The addams Family is a family that may not be normal to the rest of the world but to each other they are normal as can be.
The Addams Family Movie and The Addams Family Values. Is a movie base on a cartoon a guy name Charles Addams did for the New Yorker. The Addams are not like you and me they move to the beat of their own drum.
They like Black and to try to kill each other. I bet in today's wold the Addams would fit in with the rocker/ Gothic scene.
So everything thinks that their family is normal but to others they might not be. But one thing you got to learn is that they are your family and you love them.
There is a man who was not born a man but made into one by a very old inventor. He was left all alone when the inventor died, but soon he was taking to a new place by a kind and friendly Avon lady. It was in this strange land that he learned what the real world was and the dangers it had, and how beautiful people could be in the inside and also on the outside.
The movie is Edward Scissorhands, It is such a beautifully done movie. When I see it I get more from it then was there for people to see. For me this movie means much more. This movie speaks to me in a different way. I can relate to the main character Edward. Edward is a outsider, he is different then the normal people he meets in the movie. Just like Edward I too am different. No I don't have scissor for hands like Edward, but i'm gay I am not normal to some people I am different because of what I am. Just like Edward in the movie I too had to learn to deal with people that have called me names or tried to use me just because of who and what I am. I also was taken to a different place where I learned how beautiful people can be on the inside and outside
No I wasn't taking to a city like Edward was, no for me my new place was my first gay night club and my Avon lady was my friend Martin through him I met new people and saw new things just like Edward did in the movie.
You could say that being different for Edward and me is hard. Sometimes it's hard and there are days where I wish i wasn't different. But how can I stop being who I am. Edward never changed who he was and what made him different. I guess just like in the movie I have to learn to take each day as it comes I know there will be some people who will not think of me as normal but what can I do? I am what I am. Edward never changed so why should I?
If you love movies then you came to the right place here I will talk about movie and see how they connect to the world around us. How they inspirer us and teach us something we never new before.
Because movies do more then just entertain us they move us, and make us fell good on the inside and out
Each month I will have a new top 20 countdown related to movies
so if your a member of blogger follow me to find out so much more about the movies you already love
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